Home Care and Assisted Living Updates from the Minnesota Department of Health
Date: Thursday February 18, 2021
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Topic: Information regarding changes to the laws that affect home care, assisted living and housing with services providers.
Contact: lindsey.krueger@state.mn.us
Please join us for a presentation regarding assisted living licensure. Topics will include:
- How an Assisted Living Facility License is different from a comprehensive home care license and a housing with services registration
- Who should keep a home care license (governed under 144A)
- Licensed Assisted Living Director (LADL) requirements
- Campus definition discussion
- Physical plan requirements
- Emergency preparedness requirements (Appendix Z)
Meeting number (access code): 146 476 0147
Meeting password: iXaZ9Jd2gB4
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